Maintaining a pretty garden and vegetable patch requires a certain amount of water. Whether you are in an ecological or economic approach, know that there are many tips to save water in the garden. Here are a few…

Tip n ° 1: Collect rainwater

The best way to save water is to not use tap water at all for the garden. Rainwater is therefore perfect for taking care of your green spaces and vegetable gardens. Consider installing a water collector at the end of your gutter to water your plants and vegetables with rainwater. You will find some from 20 € for 210 L of capacity in DIY store.

Tip n ° 2: Collect the cooking water

The water from cooking vegetables, pasta and other rice often ends up in the sink. And that’s a shame ! Particularly rich in minerals, the cooking water is a real fertilizer for your plants, in addition to being economical. So think about installing a container in which to let it cool before watering your plants with it.

Tip # 3: Hoe and mulch

Hoeing involves moving the soil around your plants. It not only gets rid of weeds, but also loosens the soil, which facilitates water absorption and limits the risk of evaporation. This way you use less water! Also remember to have straw or grass from mowing the garden at the feet of your plants, this will preserve soil moisture and therefore limit watering.

Tip # 4: Install a drip system

Using a drip-type watering system provides the amount of water your plants need, while saving water. The drip allows a rational use of water, only where the plant needs it, that is to say, at the level of its roots.

Tip # 5: Water early in the morning or late at night

The wasted water in the garden is often due to the evaporation of the latter. Early in the morning or late at night, the soil is cooler and the sun is not yet beating down on your plants. You therefore use less water for the same hydration of your plants! In addition, this technique has the advantage of preventing your wet leaves from burning under the effect of the sun’s rays.

Tip # 6: Choose your plants and vegetables

Some plant species require less water than others. Unlike tomatoes, salads and other particularly leafy plants, these vegetables and vegetable plants are more resistant to drought and need little water:

  • Garlic, onion and shallot;
  • Carrot and parsnip;
  • Beet ;
  • Green beans ;
  • Beans;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • Potato ;
  • Chewed up ;
  • Asparagus;
  • Sage, thyme and rosemary.

Tip # 7: Use a watering can instead of a hose

By using a watering can without a sprinkler head instead of a garden hose, you will save water in the garden. This is because it allows you to target the roots and have a better awareness of the amount of water used. For a healthy vegetable garden or flowers, no need to let the hose run for hours, a good measured amount of water in the right place will be just as effective and more economical.

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