Mother’s Day is a once-in-a-year occasion to tell your mom how much you love her. A beautiful bouquet of flowers can do it for you if you choose it well and if you are too modest to do it verbally. Don’t choose your flowers at random. Here are some ideas for expressing your feelings through the flowers you are going to give!

The bouquet of roses: the bouquet of flowers that will surely please him

Most women love roses, so while this choice has a bit of a classic edge, it’s still very trendy. The varieties are very numerous, the various colors are flamboyant and it is a flower that inspires florists a lot. It is well suited to the delivery of flowers since it is a variety that holds perfectly over time.

The soft and pastel colors are synonymous with all the tenderness you have for your mother. If your mom is rather dynamic, she is undoubtedly sensitive to powerful colors like a red or a bright pink, a yellow or an orange. Choose a pretty composition that brings gaiety and joy to its interior! This flower easily expresses your feelings for it.

The bouquet of peonies

Among the possibilities you have, have flowers delivered to your mom without hesitation. Peonies are very attractive, regardless of their color. We love their fragrance and their generous shape and dimensions. If they are very often chosen for Mother’s Day, it is also because it is a seasonal flower. And as its flowering period is short, we take advantage of it. The peony looks a bit like the rose, but it is larger and its stem does not have thorns. It offers a wide range of colors, from white to red, including fuchsia and pastel pink. Choose the shade according to your mom’s tastes.

Peony Bouquet
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A bouquet of lilies

Ordering flowers is a sometimes complicated choice, so as not to make a mistake, the lily is a good idea! This majestic flower appeals to most of us, you are unlikely to make a mistake by choosing this option. With its intoxicating scent, it knows how to seduce even the most difficult, it brilliantly decorates a classic or very contemporary interior and design, in a very elegant way. They are perfect flowers for this occasion. And if you can’t make it the same day, Mother’s Day flower delivery is a great option!

A bouquet of gerbera

Gerberas are also flowers that easily seduce with their color and longevity. If you want to please your mom by giving her the option of keeping your bouquet for a long time, this is an ideal choice. Pink, they express tenderness and joy, red, it is the symbolism of love that is primordial and finally, yellow, they are cheerful and shine in the room.

The bouquet of lilacs

This flower also carries a message of love, it can be purple or white. In addition, it is also a flower that symbolizes spring and renewal, therefore, it is particularly suitable for Mother’s Day. Its inflorescences perfume the house and it is an additional pleasure for your mother.

The bouquet of carnations

Carnation is a very popular flower for Mother’s Day. It symbolizes femininity and motherhood, but also love, generosity, beauty and purity. It comes in white, but also in a very happy pink or in red.

The orchid, the flower to show your love

This very elegant, sober, contemporary and refined flower appeals to practically all women. It is ideal for Mother’s Day. You choose it according to your mom’s tastes in white or pink for example. It also exudes a certain softness, which is particularly indicated on this occasion.

The bouquet of tulips

This flower, very simple in appearance, is magnificent in a bouquet. For a flower delivery for Mother’s Day, the red tulip is essential. It evokes love, but also power and gentleness. Do not hesitate to opt for this solution which always pleases. Flowers being the privileged gift of the French, you will find it in different forms without any problem. Florists know how to perfectly match colors for a very successful effect.

Bouquet Of Tulips
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A bunch of ranunculus

The ranunculus is a generous and very refined flower, it is also that of seduction. Its softness is perfect in this setting so, do not hesitate to send ranunculus flowers to your mom. You send her a positive message that means she makes you happy. It is without doubt the most beautiful declaration that one can make to one of his parents.

A bouquet of arums

The arum gives very pretty bouquets of flowers that will not leave your mother indifferent. This elegant flower appeals to the greatest number and it is also very elegant and spectacular. Your florist can add other flowers to compose a bouquet with certain charm and which will not go unnoticed. In addition, it symbolizes good understanding and the happiness of being together.

Read also : 30 spring flowers: the most beautiful!


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