Using urine in the garden is a very old idea that is reappearing today among gardeners with an ecological fiber. For a natural garden, urine is a perfect substitute for chemical fertilizers. It is indeed a very good natural fertilizer and we will see why. We tell you all about urine and your garden!

Why use urine in your garden?

The idea of ​​urinating in the garden for some nice fruits and veggies that you are going to enjoy next can seem incongruous and even uninviting. But rest assured … the use of human urine is not dangerous and besides it has never triggered a controversy, as we have seen concerning amaroli or urinotherapy which is supposed keep you in great shape.

This practice has developed for a very long time.

What does human urine contain?

Urine is a biological fluid which is secreted by the kidneys after being filtered by the kidneys. It contains waste that must be removed by the body. She is composed 95% water and 5% urea, minerals and other components.

Urea breaks down into ammonia under the effect of an enzyme, then in the soil and thanks to bacteria, it is transformed into nitrogen that the plants will be able to assimilate.

It is especially magnesium, sodium, trace elements, calcium and even more potassium and phosphorus which are of interest to plants. These are also components that are generally found in fertilizer. They make urine nitrogen fertilizer, perfect for your plants.

If you tend to eat salty, it should be diluted. If you are taking medical treatment, use healthy urine when you wake up or store it for four weeks before using it in the garden.

Plants need three nutrients : phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Nitrogen helps leaf growth, phosphorus is good for flowers and fruits, and potassium helps keep your plants healthy. One liter of urine contains 6 grams of nitrogen, 2 grams of potassium and 1 gram of phosphorus. This makes it an effective, free and natural fertilizer.

How to use urine in the garden?

You still have to know how to use urine correctly in the garden. You can dilute it in the situations we have already mentioned or put it pure. It is used for watering plants at the level of the foot. If you dilute it in the irrigation water, you avoid the risk of overdose.

It is necessary to count one liter of urine for 10 liters of water. You can also mix a liter of compost with a liter of urine.

You have the option of storing urine and keeping it for 6 months. It must then be poured into large, well-sealed and opaque containers. This is how it retains all of its properties.

You then use it during cultivation, during the period of plant growth. It is necessary to water the plants with 2 to 3 times, spacing the watering by two weeks. It is particularly recommended on vegetables which are fond of nitrogen such as spinach, leeks, salads, tomatoes or eggplants. Never exceed 2 to 3 liters of urine per square meter.

You can also pour it over the compost to help break down organic matter.

In regions with very saline soils, it is not recommended or to be used sparingly by diluting it with strong water and alternating with sprinkling with pure water.

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