The birds enliven the garden with their melodious song in addition to bringing cheerfulness and good humor. They play a role in maintaining the ecosystem and are good allies against pests. How to bring the birds into the garden? We go around in this file.

Create biodiversity in the garden

Birds suffer from the destruction of their natural habitat by humans. To help them build their nest, especially in winter, plant trees and shrubs of different sizes in your garden. Birds are not all the same, hence the importance of creating biodiversity. Indeed, some species prefer heights while others nest a little lower. Birds sometimes gather nectar from flowers, but usually feed on fruits, seeds and insects. So you have to vary the vegetation to attract both insects and birds, and keep the ecosystem balanced. The plants to prioritize are berry shrubs, hedges, rose hips, dogwood and hawthorn.

Give them shelter…

If your trees are still young and do not have enough branches, consider installing nest boxes on the trunk or on a support. To do this, choose a quiet and rested corner of your garden where the vegetation is abundant. It will only be a refuge for your little ones, but also a decorative asset. However, watch out for predators at the top of the food chain. Place the birdhouse and feeder high and add a protective net to prevent cats and dogs from attacking small birds.

… And to eat

Robin, robin, chickadee, swallow and goldfinch are species of birds that are easily attached to humans. They are very close to the gardens in which they can nest and find food. If you enjoy their company, you will need to feed them daily through perfectly sealed feeders. This is important to keep the seeds dry. Remember that birds also drink. So allow them to fill up with water. In winter, the vegetation becomes scarce, prepare them a very fatty mixture to face the cold or give them seeds.

…but not at all

Birds are easy to feed and only eat very small amounts. They are mostly insectivorous and granivorous, and feed on both raw and cooked foods. However, certain foodstuffs are unsuitable for them and can even kill them:

  • Avocado: contains a very toxic substance called persine;
  • Fruit kernels and seeds like apples and pears contain cyanide, so remember to pit and seed;
  • Raw potatoes, tomatoes, mushrooms, eggplant and garlic are poisonous;
  • Products derived from milk are to be banned because their metabolism cannot assimilate lactose;
  • Meat, poultry and cold meats make them develop an intolerance, with the exception of parakeets and parrots for red meat.

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