
Spinach is a vegetable that is not widely cultivated and yet can be cooked in different ways. The seed of spinach is sown in the fall. This is not its only advantage since it can germinate for 7 years. Spinach can be grown on heavy soil as long as it is not too wet.

It cannot stand drought. You will not have to dig your soil, but you will have to put a consistent potting soil, it likes firm and smoky soils. It absorbs nitrates in large quantities. It should not be pulled out when harvesting, as it grows back easily.

Vegetable Spinach
© istock

Head cabbage

The headed cabbage likes cool climates and therefore the late season, especially if it rains regularly, as it cannot stand drought. It is very easy to cultivate in soil rich in humus and deep soil. You put a potting soil with compost if you want to grow it in a bag or in a container. It is however sensitive to a butterfly and its caterpillar is capable of destroying your plant very quickly, it is the cabbageworm.

It is appreciated in cooking, but it gives off an unpleasant smell of sulfur when cooked. To avoid it, you will immerse it in boiling salted water for 5 minutes. This will destroy the enzymes causing this odor. It can be eaten cooked or raw, well minced.

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Turnip has returned to our plates, in particular thanks to the starred chefs who have adopted it in the kitchen. Sowing turnips is very easy. It suffices to make shallow furrows (approximately 1 cm) and to arrange the seeds by covering them with a layer of fairly fine soil. If you bury them at a deeper depth, they will not germinate.

It will be sown at the beginning of September to be harvested until December. If you want to have it later, it is possible in regions with a temperate climate in winter or under shelter. There are different varieties of turnips: globe white with a purple collar, golden ball yellow… which are delicious.

Vegetable turnip
© istock

The lettuce

Lettuce comes in different varieties and each is suited to a particular season. The 4 Seasons Wonder or Winter Red is harvested in winter. If you have any doubts, it is noted on the back of the bag of seeds when you should sow them. To succeed in this culture, the soil or compost must have a good level of organic matter.

Once you have sown it, watch out for any possible appearance of snails or slugs, and remove any excess plants. It is a vegetable rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, allowing to prevent certain tumors and which acts in prevention of hypertension.

To read also: Beware of vegetable garden diseases!

Fall-winter radishes

Radishes that can be grown permanently have several varieties: Cherry, Flamboyant, Apolo or Bamba, among others. An advantage of these radishes, germination can begin as soon as the temperatures reach between 7 and 10 ° C. In addition, it is mature in four to six weeks and sometimes even less. You sow it in line or on the fly to a depth of 2 cm. You must then tamp the soil and be careful that it stays cool. It does not appreciate the excess heat which makes it prickly and hollow.

To read also: Should we mix the potting soil with soil?

Lamb’s lettuce

Lamb’s lettuce is very easy to sow because its seeds are quite large. She likes fairly firm soil and a little loose on the surface. It is in this type of soil that it rises best. You will put a perforated film above the seedling to protect it from possible bad weather, wind and rain in particular. It is easier to grow under shelter, in pots for example.

This salad thrives until the end of winter and that’s arguably one of its biggest assets. It is also good for your health thanks to the vitamin D, magnesium, beta-carotene and potassium it contains. It also contains fatty acids rich in omega 3 and a lot of fiber.

Mache Vegetable Garden
© istock


You plant the perpetual leek bulbs from late summer (mid-August) until September. You must place the tip upwards and respect a distance of 5 to 7 cm between each bulb. Leek is a vegetable that is widely used in cooking in different forms: with other vegetables or on its own.

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