Groundhogs love gardens because they easily find their food there. They usually dig galleries and come out directly near their favorite pantry. It is complicated to get rid of them, as they do not give up this food source very easily. Here are some tips to keep them away and protect your crops!

Spices against groundhogs

Try to spot places where groundhogs tend to roam in the garden and sprinkle them with ground pepper and hot chili. They don’t like those smells and they naturally tend to wander away.

Bright colors

The latter manage to keep the marmots away. You just have to place them in the form of objects or textiles all over the field for them to flee these places. They hate these shades that are too aggressive for them.

Remove rocks and stones

Groundhogs tend to hide. They particularly appreciate the holes hidden by large rocks or stones which make them perfect hiding places for them. If you remove them, they will no longer find their place to settle down quietly and will then find another place. Make way to scare them away.

Fill all the holes

Groundhogs like to hide and all the places and nooks and crannies are good to take. Balconies, tool sheds, all places with holes or interstices serve as their refuge. If you plug these holes, they will have to look elsewhere. It is therefore a good solution for them to leave.

A big beach ball

The trick may seem incongruous, but it works perfectly. If you have a large balloon that your children used to play on the beach, tie it to the end of a fairly long and sturdy string. As soon as there is wind, the balloon moves in all directions, makes noise, which has the consequence of scaring the marmots who have only one idea in mind: to flee this unwelcoming place!

Prepare a groundhog repellant

This repellent is all natural, yet effective. Mix human urine with tabasco and castor oil. Soak it on rags, tea towels or old towels and arrange them at the end of sticks or stakes, planted around the area you want to protect. Groundhogs hate this smell.

Locks of hair

The trick may seem unusual, but it seems that marmots do not like it, they think they are on protected ground. They prefer to go elsewhere. Human hair should be spread in the garden or vegetable patch.

Watering can

Don’t hesitate to invest in a watering can with motion detectors. As soon as the groundhog approaches the watering can, it triggers jets of water, which scares it away.

Protecting fruit trees

Fruit trees attract groundhogs to scare them away, there is a very simple method: install a wire cylinder at the base of your trees to prevent groundhogs from colonizing the tree.

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