Particularly trendy in decoration, the cactus has everything to please. In addition to bringing a touch of green indoors, this plant is easy to maintain. To keep yours as long as possible, check out these tips for planting, watering and potting techniques.

How to plant a cactus?

The lifespan of a cactus depends in particular on the quality of the soil. For a vigorous plant, bet on a light growing medium. The soil must be perfectly drained and porous in order to avoid stagnation of water at the roots. Moisture promotes the development of rot that will eventually kill your cactus. Note that garden soil is not enough for this type of plant. Instead, opt for a soil enriched with sand, dedicated to cacti.

Where to plant cacti?

To make a cactus last, start by choosing the right location. Flourishing in fairly arid environments, cacti need lots of light, all year round. Do not hesitate to place them at the edge of a south-facing window. In summer, if possible, take your cacti outdoors, in the garden or on the balcony. Be sure to protect them from the scorching afternoon sun. In terms of temperatures, these plants adapt perfectly to those indoors. However, to see them bloom during the spring season, keep them in a cool room (between 2 ° C and 10 to 12 ° C maximum) in winter. When the warm weather returns, put them back in a warmer room.

How to water a cactus?

Although a cactus thrives in an arid environment and has the capacity to have water reserves in its leaves and roots, it needs water to live. It is therefore necessary to water it regularly, but without excess. The watering rules differ depending on the season. During the growth phase of the cactus, in spring and summer, watering once a week is recommended. During the winter season, water your plant once a month. However, avoid watering it if you decide to winterize your cactus. In any case, remember to empty the saucer regularly from your plant after watering. Also, only water the cactus when the soil becomes dry again.

How is potting done?

Repotting is one of the operations necessary to ensure the longevity of your cactus. Although it is a slow growing plant, it should be repotted every three or four years. This allows the root system to develop well. Preferably, repot during the spring season. To do this, place your cactus in a pot with special potting soil at the bottom. Do not hesitate to add fertilizer dedicated to cacti during this operation.

Whether planting, potting or other maintenance operations, always remember to protect yourself when handling your cactus. Do not hesitate to wear thick gloves so as not to injure yourself.

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