May oblige, the cherry trees must see their fruits being "knotted", at least if the rains have spared them the coulure, which wreaked havoc last year. It is the moment, when the fruits round off and reach the size of a pea, to carry out one or two treatments against the "fly", which lays at that time. A versatile insecticide will do the trick.

Good to know : May: it's not too late for your tomatoes!

Empty, if not already done, your bins compost. They will start again, with the resumption in force of the vegetation (weeds included) to fill at high speed. Remember that the secret to rapid and healthy decomposition is linked to the presence of air and assimilable nitrogen. If the latter is lacking, bring it in chemical form (ammonium sulphate) or organic form (nettles, dried blood), according to your tastes.

Beware of the burrowing temperament of certain birds (magpies, robins, starlings) Which transform your most delicate seedlings and your pots of rare bulbs into the battlefield, to search for hypothetical insects! Until the full development of your protégés, cover the containers with a mesh or forcing veils, which will discourage excavations.

Also read: Pests and diseases in the garden

Compost Spring Gardening
© istock

Our four tips for May

  1. Pale climbing roses and creepers as they develop. Careful attention will prevent you from untangling a dense clutter afterwards. Wear solid gloves.
  2. The appearance of strawberries, the first fruits of the year, will arouse envy. Put a brake on it by covering your crops with a net stretched over hoops, high enough to be able to pick at ease.
  3. Set up pickles, pumpkins, and their allies, providing space for zucchini because they spread out widely. If it is cold, wait 8 to 10 days: the difference will hardly be visible.
  4. Weed with precision: a sleeve made of a re-cut bottle will wrap the junk to apply without projection the suitable product. Wait for complete drying before removing the sleeve.

Read also : Gardening calendar for each month of the year


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