The epiphyllum

The epiphyllum
© Pixabay – Bernard1947

The epiphyllum is a cactus that comes in various varieties that give red flowers, but also pink and white. These species were obtained by crossing with other plants. Anyway, the flowers are delicate and original which makes all the charm of this pretty plant.

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© Pixabay – Jackmac34

This succulent plant has pretty spectacular red, orange or yellow flower stalks that appear in early spring or late winter. We also like the flexible and long leaves, the color of which varies between blue gray and a very frank green.

The Christmas cactus

The Christmas Cactus
© Pixabay Nylesmc

The Christmas cactus is a plant that gives spectacular flowers and brings color throughout the winter to your home. Its flowers are very original and develop several times during the whole season. They can take several colors which are all very attractive. She likes sunny and bright places.

Rat tail

Rat Tail
© Stuart Cc By Nc 2.0 – Flickr

This plant is particularly attractive and original. It’s a succulent epiphyte. It is native to the Mexican mountains and it develops in very large clumps. It tolerates frosts, but for short durations and is preferably grown in mild climates and in rock gardens.


Lewisia "width =" 511 "height =" 339 "srcset =" 511w, https: // www.–-Shutterstock-350x232.jpg 350w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 511px) 100vw, 511px "src =" https: // -–- Shutterstock.jpg "/><noscript><img class=© Shutterstock

The lewisia is a very pretty plant which gives flowers in spring. The plant is then spectacular and it is also for this reason that it is so successful. The rosette leaves are decorative and welcome flowers which can be white, pink, red or apricot.


Anthurium "width =" 960 "height =" 497 "srcset ="'anthurium-–-Pixabay-–-RichardMC.jpg 960w,'anthurium-–-Pixabay-–-RichardMC-350x181.jpg 350w, -content / uploads / 2020/04 / Anthurium -–- Pixabay -–- RichardMC-520x269.jpg 520w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px "src =" https: / /'anthurium -–- Pixabay -–- RichardMC.jpg "/><noscript><img class=© Pixabay – Richardmc

Anthurium is a tropical plant that belongs to the araceae family and whose type species comes from the forests of Colombia. You will easily find at florists or garden centers hybrids with large pink, white or red flowers.


Kalanchoe "width =" 960 "height =" 640 "srcset =" 960w,–-Pixabay-–-Foto-Rabe-350x233.jpg 350w, /uploads/2020/04/Kalanchoe-–-Pixabay-–-Foto-Rabe-520x347.jpg 520w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px "src =" https: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2020/04 / Kalanchoe -–- Pixabay -–- Foto-Rabe.jpg "/><noscript><img class=© Pixabay – Foto Rabe

This pretty succulent plant is very popular, it differs according to the varieties, especially in terms of foliage and habit. Its fleshy leaves are thick, and it is a plant that can measure between 15 cm and 1 meter. They bloom for some species throughout the winter and in spring for others.


© Pixabay – Leoleobobeo

This plant has a lot of charm. This genus includes more than 150 species and many varieties from the Crassulaceae family. These very graphic looking plants come from a very graphic look coming from Central America, the desert areas of Texas and Mexico.


Cotyledon "width =" 540 "height =" 720 "srcset =" 540w, https: //–-Pixabay-–-Hans-263x350.jpg 263w, /04/Cotyledon-–-Pixabay-–-Hans-390x520.jpg 390w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 540px) 100vw, 540px "src =" -content / uploads / 2020/04 / Cotyledon -–- Pixabay -–- Hans.jpg "/><noscript><img class=© Pixabay – Hans

Cotydelon is a succulent plant that belongs to the Crassulaceae family and is used to very dry climates such as in the driest areas of Africa or the Arabian Peninsula. Its bouquet of flowers in bells is absolutely very attractive.

Also read: How to repot a succulent plant?

Rhipsalidopsis or Easter cactus

Rhipsalidopsis "width =" 960 "height =" 580 "srcset =" 960w,–-Pixabay-–-Myriams-Fotos-350x211.jpg 350w, /uploads/2020/04/Rhipsalidopsis-–-Pixabay-–-Myriams-Fotos-520x314.jpg 520w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 960px) 100vw, 960px "src =" https: // www / wp-content / uploads / 2020/04 / Rhipsalidopsis -–- Pixabay -–- Myriams-Fotos.jpg "/><noscript><img class=© Pixabay – Myriams Fotos

The Easter cactus is often confused with that of Christmas and yet it is recognizable thanks to the differences especially in terms of its flower. In addition, it flowers at Easter in early spring. It then gives beautiful, very decorative flowers.

The aptenia

Aptenia "width =" 673 "height =" 462 "srcset =" 673w, https: //www.ctendance .fr / wp-content / uploads / 2020/04 / Aptenia -– Shutterstock-350x240.jpg 350w,–Shutterstock-520x357. jpg 520w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 673px) 100vw, 673px "src =" "/><noscript><img class=© Shutterstock

Aptenia is a pretty plant with very delicate small flowers that grows without requiring care or maintenance in the south of France. It is perfect in a garden or under a veranda or in greenhouses. It is very simple and therefore perfect even for beginners.

Baobab variety Jatropha podagrica

Baobab Jatropha Podagrica
© Pixabay Mansum007 123rf

The baobab is a mythical tree which has inspired many stories and legends and which can be small and even exists in the form of bonsai. This plant brings a very exotic aspect to your garden or your terrace. Its flower is superb and very original as well as graphic. It will not go unnoticed and brings a very cheerful side to your exteriors.

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