Have you just purchased tomato plants for your organic garden and you want to know how to water them well after planting them? In this article, we give you tips to respect your tomato plantations during the summer season and produce excellent quality tomatoes and enjoy yourself when you make your tomato salads!

The different techniques

There are different techniques for watering your tomatoes properly. In summer, tomatoes love the sun and also love the water. For a tomato stalk count about 1 liter of water !

You can water your tomatoes with a water spray gun, or a garden hose.

The best is the installation of a drip system with timer. Indeed, it will be easier to manage the quantity of water brought to the soil and to the tomato plants. Being able to program the system is smart because you don’t have to be at your home to do it. In addition, it prevents you from wasting water, which is not insignificant during a heat wave!

The necessary equipment

In order to water your tomatoes, you can use a watering can that you attach to the nozzle of your watering can, it allows the water to flow in fine rain. The drip system is the most efficient but you can use a garden hose, being careful not to spill too much water on the plan at once, as this could damage your tomato plant.

In order to protect your crops, you can build a shelter. Tomatoes will grow best in a greenhouse or under a self-built shelter if you are a DIYer.

When to water your tomatoes?

It is strongly discouraged water the tomatoes in the morning, even early, because the sun once out will roast the leaves. The best is to do it in the evening after dark.

How often should water be done?

It is not necessary not water the tomato beds too frequently, because the tomato base retains the humidity and freshness of the earth. If you water your tomatoes too much, they will be split and tasteless, which would be a real shame after so much work!

In addition, if the roots develop quickly, there is no point in overwatering them. On the other hand, if you see black spots appearing under the fruits, it means that you are not watering enough! This disease is called “the black ass”.

It is especially necessary water well when planting, for the first 15 days. Once the first flowers appear you can water Once or twice a week especially if the season is dry. Of course if you have a rainy summer in your area, let Mother Nature do it and you will save water at the same time!

Our advice for successful watering

Water your tomato plants when you see that the earth is really drye. Deep roots can draw on moisture from the soil. Unfortunately, the roots can be affected by fungus disease (mildew among others), in order to prevent this from happening, do not especially wet the leaves.

The mulching system allows the water not to be absorbed suddenly by the roots, so you no longer need to water regularly and you protect the plantations from the appearance of weeds. The saying is equivocal “A good mulch is worth 10 waterings”

To make a mulch, use your last lawn mowing that you have left in the sun for a few hours beforehand to allow the moisture to evaporate, or otherwise straw collected from a farmer.

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