Horse manure is famous for rose bushes in particular. However, it should be used with care and can be useful in the vegetable garden as well. If you don’t know how to use it, here are some answers to your questions!

How to spread manure without turning over the soil?

You add this fertilizer in the fall, that way you don’t have to turn the soil.

You spread a good layer of horse manure and then cover it with dead leaves. You then put a net to maintain everything and protect it from birds and wind.

You leave this blanket on throughout the winter. It is the micro-organisms and the worms which will decompose this mattress to incorporate it little by little into the surface layer.

In the spring, you do a light scratching and you sow or plant what needs to be.

It is also possible at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring, to add a fine layer of well-rotted manure. Just scratch the surface a little for it to penetrate.

Horse manure: is it really toxic?

You should absolutely avoid using fresh horse manure. Indeed, it then contains dewormers and other dangerous components. Once it has been stored for 3 weeks, these disappear. Just leave it decompose before use. This precaution is sufficient to benefit only from the interesting properties of horse manure.

When should you use horse manure?

There is not a single answer since it depends on your goals:

If it is to regularly maintain the life of your soil:

You put horse manure preferably in autumn or at the beginning of winter. You can spread it out on the ground, if it is cool and strawy, that is, made up of droppings and litter. In this case, it should not be buried. It will then compost itself. Then you incorporate the rest at the end of winter, with simple shallow plowing.

To make a regular amendment:

Well-composted manure, provided it is not burnt, acts as a biological activator. It is used in the spring by surface burial just before planting and sowing in the kitchen garden.

Efficiency of dehydrated manure compacted into pellets

You can perfectly use this form which replaces fresh or composted manure. It is an excellent amendment that works well with almost any plant. The raw material is the same, it is produced by composting, crushing and dehydration.

It is used throughout the year to fertilize the soil: it enriches the soil, it nourishes vegetables, shrubs, roses, lawns, vines, fruit trees, flowers, raspberries, currants, strawberries …

The different dosages to use:

In a vegetable garden : it must be dosed at a rate of 300 to 600 grams per m².

For your lawn : you have to put 250 grams per m².

For the roses : count 500 grams per plant and double it at the planting stage.

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